Liberty Wallet for Windows

Windows 7 (32bit. and 64bits).
Windows 8.1 (64bits).
Windows 10 (64bits)

Download for Windows

Wallet Source Code

It is written in Qt 4.7, C++ and PHP. Observe directory order in Development.


Liberty Audit

Liberty Audit is a Web Server Application for run a full audit node.


1 Innovation
1 Users
1 Line of Codes
1 Hours Spent

Why Liberty is better than other cryptocurrencies

Liberty differs from other cryptomonedas in its blockchain simplicity, scalable and short size. Unlike the rest of the other cryptoactives, Liberty presents a percentage commission system on transactions.
In addition, it eliminates the difficulty of so many significant digits, just like the fiat coins, Liberty implements a system of rounding to only 2 significant digits, just like the standard for worldwide trade.

Design and Innovation

Liberty uses a distributed server system, in two different layers:

The main and most restricted, Liberty Nucleus, which are responsible to add blocks and issue liberties based on a standardized circulation protocol by the Liberty network.

A second layer of servers, called Audit, these are responsible not only for validating and distribute transactions, but they exchange and protect with the Nucleus, the blockchain, and inform and audit the network as a whole, for example: audit the emission of the nucleus, check the signing of the respective transactions by the users, etc, since in themselves, they are the nexus between the distributed nucleus and the user-end wallets.

Finally, wallets do not accumulate data, but receive information and they issue the transactions. Wallets behave in isolation when creating or manage transactions, it mean payments, which adds a higher level of security. Unlike other Cryptocurrency Wallets, Liberty Wallets do not act as nodes in the network, they act behind the Firewall, as the maximum level of protection of its most valuable information, the private keys.

Circulation Protocol

Stage One

- At the beginning, 2000,000,000.00 are issued and its distribution begins at an average value of the market, which varies according to the market of supply and demand. Also, the minimum market value may not be less than the minimum of USD 0.10 for Liberty. All the money raised will be to pay the developers of the project.

- After the initial circulation, it will not be possible to issue more until the complete distribution of the 2000 Million. After its complete distribution, proceed to Stage Two.

Stage Two

- At the end of the initial 2000 Million distribution, the first day of the month, that following at the end date of distribution, monthlyized emissions will begin to occur at a percentage value equivalent to the Bank of England's target annual inflation rate, that is to say, to a current rate of inflation target that at the moment of this writing is of 2% annual. ( For further information on inflation target, look at )

Fee Protocol

Liberty does not make a speculative market for fee, being only a percentage. it is as valuable for a small amount, as for a large amount, with the same benefits and priorities. Liberty is, in itself, a system of direct micropayment.

  • The fees will be 0.1% of the total on the amount to transfer, that exceeds 10 liberties.
  • When the amount to transfer is less than 10 liberties, the transaction cost will be a fixed value of one cent of liberty, that is, L# 0.01. Being the minimum transfer value L# 0.01.
  • The total accumulated fees in the network, will be distributed among all users of the network, which have more than L# 100 at the time of distribution, as proof of participation and as savings culture.
  • The distribution of the fees, will be carried out in the heights of decimals block, that is to say 10, 20, 90, 200 blockheights, etc. It will be equally between the named addresses that have a value equal to or greater than 100 liberties.
  • In case that distribution of the network commission is less than one cent per participant, the distribution will be suspended until such value exceeds a minimum value of distribution.

  • Keep in mind that these protocols will not be fulfilled by humans, but by software, which it makes it very strict in its compliance.


    Liberty protects my identity?

    Liberty, same as the rest of the cryptocurrencies, has a system of addresses that do not link personally, or through IP, to its users, that is, for the blockchain, each user it is identified only by the cryptographically proven possession of its private key, which in no case moment must exhibit publicly. It should be noted that all wallets, preserve a greatest amount of time, the key with a double encrypted, so that the key is only decrypted at the moment when the application needs it.

    Who can put a Liberty node?

    Anyone with technical knowledge in Webhosting, can put a Liberty node. The nodes, both Nucleus and Audit, work through a hypertext protocol (HTTP), a technology with more than 20 years of development, which makes from Liberty network of a high robust end software. It is fully developed 100% in PHP object oriented programming.

    Is Liberty a mined coin?

    No, Liberty is a green currency, that is, it is not necessary to spend thousands of watts to generate it, instead it has a rigid circulation protocol and scheduled upgrade, that it is controlled by machines.

    Join the freedom.